I now have two different audiences. There's the one that has been watching my action films for 20 years, and the American family audience. American jokes, less fighting.
Good action films - not crap, but good action films - are really morality plays. They deal in modern, mythic culture.
The action films I will make in the future will be more believable and character-based. I am now on my second cycle of fame, and I want to make films that smell real and are truthful.
Action films have a certain illogicalness to them. They're what we call, when we're working, 'exaggerated realism.'
My idea of a romantic night is to watch action films.
I never really planned on making action films. It just kind of happened.
I have a lot of brothers. It's easy for me to do physical stuff. I had to survive. I really love it, and I'd love to do more of it. I want to do action films. I want to go and hang off of wires, and jump off of bridges, and hang on bungee cords. I've always really loved it.
I've made a lot of stupid action films in my life but I like stupid action films and am kind of proud of them.
Usually action films have a formula: good guy gets in trouble, his wife dies, friends have problems, so he goes to the mountain, learns martial arts, comes back, and kills the bad guy.
Action films can be like watching paint dry. You can just die in the trailer waiting for them to set up a shot, then you go out for a few minutes or an hour of endurance testing.