I do a great deal of research - particularly in the apartments of tall blondes.
The harsh truth is, most red-haired men look like blondes who've spoiled from lack of refrigeration. They look like brown-haired men who've been composted out behind the barn. Yet that same pigmentation that on a man can resemble leaf mold or junkyard rust, a woman wears like a tiara of rubies.
I try to bring my mascara everywhere because I'm a blonde and you know blondes have really light eyelashes, you always wanna put more and more on 'til they look like spiders, that's just what I do.
I'm sure that blondes have more fun, but I think that as a brunette I might work more.
I love Latin women, yet for some reason I always wind up with blondes.
I don't think it's true that blondes have more fun... Trust me, it is not true!
I'd love to do 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes' again - especially on Broadway.
The hippies wanted peace and love. We wanted Ferraris, blondes and switchblades.
The world believes all blondes are stupid and brunettes are smarter. Well, I disagree.
William O. Douglas married not one, not two, not three, but four hot blondes. He was not faithful to any of them, not even the last, and each was younger than the previous woman... But after his personal life began to actually fall apart, he developed a set of values about the Constitution that turned out to maximize our autonomy and freedom.