Bo Gritz — American Soldier born on January 18, 1939,

James Gordon "Bo" Gritz is a former United States Army Special Forces officer who served in the Vietnam War. His post-war activities – notably attempted POW rescues in conjunction with the Vietnam War POW/MIA issue – have proven controversial... (wikipedia)

I believe certain members of the U.S. Congress have aided in the oppression and diversion of critical information that could have revealed a fullness of truth long ago.
I went to Ft Bragg and learned that Delta was indeed gearing up for the rescue. Still I was concerned the Reagan staff would not be willing to take the risk of sending an official military force into Laos.
I state for the record that I have never sought funds from any POW family, nor led them to believe in any way that we were going on a mission to rescue their specific missing loved one.
Still I was concerned that politics would get between us and our POWs.
I went overseas hoping to prove that all our POWs were home. I came back convinced that they were still alive.