Mexican Shuffle was a turning point of the Brass.
I play trumpet. And I took all the music courses in college, so I can also play the string instruments, keyboard, the brass and woodwinds - but only well enough to teach them. If you put a violin in front of me, you wouldn't say, 'My God, that guy can play.' It'd probably sound more like Jack Benny.
Titles of honor are like the impressions on coins, which add no value to gold or silver, but only render brass current.
He is armed without who is innocent within, be this thy screen, and this thy wall of brass.
Men admire the man who can organize their wishes and thoughts in stone and wood and steel and brass.
In 'thinking up' music I usually have some kind of a brass band with wings on it in back of my mind.
I remember when I was 5 living on Pulaski Street in Brooklyn, the hallway of our building had a brass banister and a great sound, a great echo system. I used to sing in the hallway.
Brass bands are all very well in their place - outdoors and several miles away.
You look like gold. I've been fooled before, but now I know I've made the mistake in the past. But now I, now I know the difference from gold and brass.
I know some actors feel classes are not cool or they create negative public relations, but I continue to crave the story just beyond my reach. To grasp that brass ring I need to continue to fine-tune my talents.