Anorexia and bulimia seem to be getting much more common in boys, men, and women of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds; they are also becoming more common in racial groups previously thought to be impervious to the problem.
The problem with writing a book about bulimia is that whenever you go to the washroom, people think you're throwing up.
In high school, I had a couple girlfriends who had very extreme eating disorders. Anorexia and bulimia. And in college as well. It's just heartbreaking. As someone going through it, it's heartbreaking. And as a friend who's helping a friend going through it, it's heartbreaking. It's a real, real disease.
Perhaps they thought I was on a fact-finding mission, never for one moment thinking that a man of my age and build could be suffering from bulimia nervosa, but that's what the consultant said I had.
I have something called exercise bulimia, which is where you rid of your calories by over-exercising.
I think her friends were worried that the bulimia might come back, about some psychological slide, and she was given breathing space to some extent by the media as much as she ever has been.
For me, the bulimia was about stuffing my emotions. So I stopped suppressing my feelings.
Exercise is the yuppie version of bulimia.
Becoming the new feminine ideal requires just the right combination of insecurity, exercise, bulimia and surgery.
My bulimia was my addiction. Hurting myself was my addiction... The music is what saved me. That's the only thing I can trust.