I've been in this business my whole life. I'm pretty bulletproof as far as being hurt.
Five years after Aerosmith got back together, I realized how fragile we are as humans. There was a time I thought we were bulletproof, but then things happened and I came to the realization that I had to play every gig as if it was my last show. You have to start thinking that way, because you never know what's going to happen next.
When I first started the show, I was known as the 'cop nerd.' I was in the 9th Precinct in the East Village every day. I'd be at work wearing a fake bulletproof vest with foam in it, then I'd leave and put on a real one to ride around with these guys.
I wore bulletproof vests, and my bodyguards had the option of having bulletproof vests - I bought five sets.
I thought I was bulletproof or Superman there for a while. I thought I'd never run out of nerve. Never.
My sister died and my mum was really distant, as you do - you don't expect your offspring to die before you. I thought I was bulletproof up until that stage.
When I was in my twenties, I thought I was bulletproof.
After every massacre in a school, Americans grasp at quick cures. 'Let's install metal detectors and give guns to teachers' Let's crack down on troublemakers, weeding out kids who fit the profile of a gunman. Let's buy bulletproof whiteboards for the students to scurry behind, or train kids to throw erasers or cans of soup at an attacker.'
We come bulletproof in Ireland. We're reared tough, and we fight.
I've always been really athletic, which really helped, because when I first started doing the training for Bulletproof Monk, it required so much strength that if I didn't have a base I don't really know what I would have done.