I do doubles on Monday and Thursday, take Wednesday off or do easy cardio, do doubles on Thursday and Friday, and the weekend I just get outside and get active - jog or bike ride, or play tennis with my mom.
Around the holidays, or anytime I'm going on vacation, I try to bump up my cardio or lose a pound before leaving.
Choose wisely, then eat in moderation. When I know I'm going to Mom's for dinner, I throw an extra 20 minutes on the cardio machine so I can be ready to eat.
I concentrate on making everything strong, and you can't do that with just cardio. I strength-train one day - and I'm not talking heavy weights, just a little. I see my trainer one day, next day I take a yoga class or cook. I'm not someone who just opens a pantry and rustles something up.
I always find cardio the most monotonous. Running on a treadmill shows me why hamsters are so crazy.
I try to go to the gym a few times a week, but I admit, I cheat sometimes, and sometimes I don't go as often. I usually do more cardio and little bit of weights.
When I'm on the road, I'll break my exercise into a cardio session and a weights session.
Cardio is the devil.
At the gym, I do full-body circuits with low weights and high repetitions, as well as four or five cardio intervals thrown into the mix. I put a lot of emphasis on core strength and flexibility training. I also do a lot of running in my free time. Anytime I can move my cardio outside in the sunshine, I do.
All the time people ask me, like, 'Oh my God, what did you do to get ready for the red carpet?' And I'm like, 'I just had Thai food.' I love to work out and do cardio and have a healthy, active lifestyle, but I also am not going to, like, freak out over food.