No siren did ever so charm the ear of the listener as the listening ear has charmed the soul of the siren.
July 2. A beautiful day for Labrador. Went ashore and killed nothing, but was pleased with what I saw. The country is so grandly wild and desolate that I am charmed by its wonderful dreariness.
Against expectations I was charmed by Gehry's Edgemar development, which housed the Santa Monica Museum of Art, and positively awed by the Bilbao Guggenheim. That Gehry is a great artist I have no doubt, but talent and determination are no warrant against confusion, nor are they a guaranty to produce great art.
I had a very happy childhood, happy teenage years and I was famous by the time I was 22. A charmed life.
When I started blogging in 2004, I responded to every comment no matter how nasty the reader was. I was generally polite, believing that these critics would be so charmed by my professionalism that they would see the error of their misogynist ways and swiftly run out to read a bell hooks book. Ha!
When we see a natural style, we are astonished and charmed; for we expected to see an author, and we find a person.
Tarots tell different sides of the various personalities that exist in all of us. I find it fascinating how they combine names, images, and numbers. You don't need to be able to read them, or know their real meaning, to be charmed.
As a child, I was as intrigued by the Evil Queen as I was charmed by Snow White.
One of the things that fascinates me most is when people are so charmed by the universe that it becomes part of their artistic output.
A lot of people would think I have led this easy kind of charmed life, or maybe even a fairytale in some ways. But it has been anything but that.