I just wanted to be an ordinary, middle-class person. When I was at Cambridge, I made great efforts to lose the last remnants of my Cockney accent.
I'm every bourgeois nightmare - a Cockney with intelligence and a million dollars.
It was great to play an ex-marine cockney thug. All my roles are as different as the colours of the rainbow.
I love my accent, I thought it was useful in Gone In 60 Seconds because the standard villain is upper class or Cockney. My Northern accent would be an odd clash opposite Nic Cage.
People say I've 'retained' my Cockney accent. I can do any accent, but I wanted other working-class boys to know that they could become actors.
Lots of middle class people are running around pretending to be Cockney.
One of the main things about Cockney is, you speak at twice the speed as Americans. Americans speak very slow.
The Crafty Cockney had a picture of the owner dressed up as a copper, so I brought it home, wore it on TV and the name just stuck.
I actually had a cockney accent before I went to drama school. It's softened up a bit.
My parents went through the dictionary looking for a beautiful name, nearly called me Banyan, flicked on a few pages and came to China, which is cockney rhyming slang for mate.