Cofer Black — American Public Servant

Joseph Cofer Black is a former CIA official who was appointed Ambassador at Large and Coordinator for Counter-terrorism by President George W. Bush in December 2002. He led the Office of Counterterrorism in the U.S. State Department until his resignation in November 2004. Previously Black had a 28-year career in the Directorate of Operations at the Central Intelligence Agency. He was appointed Director of the CIA's Counterterrorist Center in June 1999. Black later became the CEO of The Black Group, a private firm specializing in providing security processes and services to private corporations and government agencies. From 2005 until 2008, Black was Vice Chairman of Blackwater USA, a US-based private security firm. He then served as chairman of the privately owned intelligence gathering company Total Intelligence Solutions until his current appointment as the Vice President of Blackbird Technologies, a technology solutions provider based in the Washington DC area... (wikipedia)

No matter how many plots we uncover and disrupt, no matter how many terrorist organizations we degrade or destroy, another individual or group will rise to take their place.
Al Qaeda is not the organization now that it was before. It is under stress organizationally. Its leadership spends more time trying to figure out how to keep from getting caught than they do trying to launch operations.
I was an intelligence officer, not a policy-maker.
The plan we developed to deal with al Qaeda depended on developing sources of human and technical intelligence that could give us insights into his plans at the tactical level. This is easy to say but hard to accomplish.
The only way to address terrorism is to deal with the issues that create terrorism, to resolve them where possible, and where that's not possible to ensure that there is an alternative to violence.