As winter approaches - bringing cold weather and family drama - we crave page-turners, books made for long nights and tryptophan-induced sloth.
If my favorite, most comfortable place is by our fireplace in cold weather, expedient places are on an airplane, in a waiting room or even waiting in line; frequently these days, while on the phone having been 'put on hold.'
There are three reasons why I live in Scotland. First, I like silence, and you have to be a millionaire to buy silence in Italy. Second, I like cold weather. Third, in Italy I have too many relatives and know too many people, so I never get a quiet time.
I'm not a big fan of cold weather; that's why I moved to Vegas!
That's a tumor. It goes across my liver, up through my lungs, all the way around my heart. And when they were done trying to cut it out, nuke it out with radiation and chemotherapy it out, it left so much scar tissue that when I walk outside now in cold weather and take a deep breath, it feels like someone is stabbing me.
I like the cold weather. It means you get work done.
I love cold weather.
To make a movie is very grueling at times. Long, long hours and cold weather.
I'm not into cold weather, I like warm weather.
I just know that I could never spend a winter in Chicago or some place like that. I'm just not a cold weather person.