Social equity is based on justice; politics change on the opinion of the time. The black man's skin will be a mark of social inferiority so long as white men are conceited, ignorant, unjust, and prejudiced. You cannot legislate these qualities out of the white - you must steal them out by teaching, illustration, and example.
Sri Yukteswar showed no special consideration to those who happened to be powerful or accomplished; neither did he slight others for their poverty or illiteracy. He would listen respectfully to words of truth from a child, and openly ignore a conceited pundit.
Most books are surplus to the world's requirements, and I am going to sound very conceited here, but I am trying to write books that aren't just using up trees.
Motherhood has most definitely changed me and my life. It's so crazy how drastic even the small details change - in such an amazing way. Even silly things, like the fact that all of my pictures on my cell phone used to be of me at photo shoots - conceited, I know! - but now every single picture on my phone is of Mason.
There's nothing more arrogant or conceited than youth, and there's nothing other than machinery that can replace youth.
To attempt to advise conceited people is like whistling against the wind.
I'm too conceited for therapy.
People think that I'm conceited, and I'm not a nice person.
There's a line that separates having confidence and being conceited. I don't cross that line, but I have a lot of confidence in myself.
I'm not conceited. Conceit is a fault and I have no faults.