You may gain temporary appeasement by a policy of concession to violence, but you do not gain lasting peace that way.
I'm six foot four and a half and I have a temper. It's reserved for very important issues. If someone is asking me to make an artistic concession, then I'll become a madman.
If you want to do anything, do it now, without compromise or concession, because you have only one life.
The Government and the Parliament, even the House of Lords, will consent to a large increase of electors; and men who have not considered the subject fully will imagine they have gained much by the concession.
It is unfair to ask Turkey to make a unilateral concession to take goods from Cyprus within the customs union when the E.U. is not open to northern Cyprus.
Once you consent to some concession, you can never cancel it and put things back the way they are.
Conciliation is not capitulation, nor is compromise to be deemed equivalent to imbalanced concession.
I have to say I've worked very few days of my life. I used to have to cut the lawn, and when I was in junior high school, I worked at a concession stand at a stadium.
I feel alive, fit and active. I have no plans for retirement. My only concession to getting a little older is that I like to have a cat-nap in the afternoon. After that, I can push on through anything.
Each concession we make is accompanied by an inner diminution of which we are not immediately conscious.