Everyone has determination - it's a question of how you use it. Hers is based on power and success and conquering; she doesn't care what she has to do or who gets hurt in the process. In that way we're very, very different.
It's also true, however, that having conquered the regional writer ghetto, I am now intent on conquering the nationalist writer ghetto and moving out into the world more.
When love is pure, it has the power to conquer. Lover and beloved conquer each other by their affection. The source, the essence, the fullest manifestation of love's conquering power is the love of the soul for the supreme soul, or God.
The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.
I gladly accepted the commission but was uncertain about what the end result would be. On the one hand, Cuban music was conquering the world; being heard everywhere, and our small island was already producing one of the popular musical genres of the 20th century.
It's not just a question of conquering a summit previously unknown, but of tracing, step by step, a new pathway to it.
All genius is a conquering of chaos and mystery.
No doubt that the U.S. is a super-power capable of conquering a relatively small country, but is it able to control it?
Courage consists not in blindly overlooking danger, but in seeing it, and conquering it.
The bear is what we all wrestle with. Everybody has their bear in life. It's about conquering that bear and letting him go.