You have to be the best of whatever you are, but successful, cool actresses come in all shapes and sizes.
Being cool is being your own self, not doing something that someone else is telling you to do.
Nothing is cooler and more attractive than a big comeback, and that'll be me.
It's so important to realize that every time you get upset, it drains your emotional energy. Losing your cool makes you tired. Getting angry a lot messes with your health.
Jazz is smooth and cool. Jazz is rage. Jazz flows like water. Jazz never seems to begin or end. Jazz isn't methodical, but jazz isn't messy either. Jazz is a conversation, a give and take. Jazz is the connection and communication between musicians. Jazz is abandon.
Let your soul stand cool and composed before a million universes.
I always hated high-school shows and high-school movies, because they were always about the cool kids. It was always about dating and sex, and all the popular kids, and the good-looking kids. And the nerds were super-nerdy cartoons, with tape on their glasses. I never saw 'my people' portrayed accurately.
I've never been cool and I don't really care about being cool. It's just an awful lot of time and hair gel wasted.
That is who Barack Obama is - a person of admirable character - and that is who he has remained for me over these last four years. I have not agreed with his every decision, but never once have I seen him break his cool, lose his composure, or abandon his insightful perspective - even during the most serious and/or absurd national disasters.
I'd rather laugh - not fuss and fight. You can articulate your point without arguing. When you're arguing constantly, you just need to say, 'You're real cool, but you're not for me.'