If you're the type of person who has to fulfill your dreams, you've gotta be resourceful to make sure you can do it. I came out to California when I was 21, thinking my New York credentials would take me all the way. I came back home a year later all dejected and a failure.
The truth is, I have absolutely no professional credentials - literally, which is why I'm teaching at MIT.
One of the things that became clear, and which was actually rather disturbing, was the fact that there was a view which was being expressed by people whose scientific credentials you can't question.
Coming from Canada, being a writer and Jewish as well, I have impeccable paranoia credentials.
Squash has the credentials to become an olympic event and our goal is to see the sport in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. We are working towards this and will keep trying even if our bid is not successful.
The difference between me and most Protestants is most Protestants have no problem at all saying 'The Lord told me this' or 'The Lord told me that,' but they won't believe that the Lord speaks through the pope. You know, at least this guy has some credentials.
Heroes need monsters to establish their heroic credentials. You need something scary to overcome.
A bigot is simply a sociologist without credentials.
I'm not from a maple producing area and so my maple syrup credentials are very much of the eating side.
There's nothing more distasteful than an academic having to, like, trot out his credentials. You really come off as a jerk when you do that.