I don't watch the dailies. You want to just turn in your resignation when you watch the dailies.
As the years have gone on, I find one of the dangers of watching dailies... is you fall in love with moments.
The savage repression of blacks, which can be estimated by reading the obituary columns of the nation's dailies, Fred Hampton, etc., has not failed to register on the black inmates.
I got my dailies every day, although I couldn't always look at them because I was usually preparing for the next day's shoot, both as an actress and as the director.
I have a choice - I can either watch all the dailies, or I can follow the social media. I can't do both.
I used to watch dailies and felt I had to keep on top of the character, but I don't feel that any more.
I think when you watch the dailies, the film that you shoot every day, you're very excited by it and very optimistic about how it's going to work.
I cannot watch my own dailies, ever. I'm my worst critic. It distracts me. I can watch it when it's done, but I'm not the girl that wants to run back and look at the performance.
I'll tell you one thing. I've never heard a director saying that the dailies suck.
David and I got cut out the editing process on that. We were able to affect it more than not. We sent in our notes, we were able to see cuts. We weren't allowed to see dailies and we weren't allowed to sit in the editing room and just work.