Fear? If I have gained anything by damning myself, it is that I no longer have anything to fear.
Only 38 per cent of players in the Premier League are English; that is a damning statistic. Soon, the England manager will have to go scouting for players in the Championship - and when I say 'soon' I mean the next four or five years, perhaps even for the next World Cup.
We have built our identities in many respects based on the guilt-ridden stories we have been told about our creation. For women, it is a very damning knowledge to be portrayed as curious and careless seductresses.
People who would never sneer at sci-fi and murder mysteries have no trouble damning the whole romance genre without reading one.
Americans are far more remarkable than we give ourselves credit for. We've been so busy damning ourselves for years. We've done it all, and yet we don't take credit for it.
Damning taxes is a piece of cake. It's defending them that's hard.
I believe very much that the most damning thing you can say about Muslims is that you're afraid to say anything because they'll hurt you.
I don't judge a regime by the damning criticism of the opposition, but by the ingenuous praise of the partisan.
I've seen people glaze over when they're confronted with racism, and there's nothing more, you know, damning and demeaning to having any kind of ideology than people just walking the walk and saying what they're supposed to say and nodding, and nobody feels anything.
And if there was something, suppose I wanted to write something really damning or embarrassing about one of the owners, that would really be a problem on the NFL's site.