A long time ago, in a country not so far away, I was eight years old, doing my best Darth Vader imitation.
Every Luke Skywalker needs his Darth Vader.
To me, Darth Vader is the epitome of evil.
If you want to go on the floor, go in disguise because otherwise you won't be able to. I would just put on a full Darth Vader costume and walk through Comic-Con so I can actually check it out and enjoy it as opposed to being approached by everyone, which is lovely, but it gets very difficult to enjoy because there's so many people there.
At home it's all Batman and Star Wars and they do gang up on me. Sometimes I don't want to dress up as Darth Vader or play train sets, so I'll go out for a drink with the girls.
I hate to tell you this, but you will never actually go to a galaxy far, far away and encounter Darth Vader. That's science fiction; it isn't going to happen.
When you look at C-3PO and Darth Vader and then look at the actors behind them, you can't really make the connection. It kills the magic.
Science offers no brief for the telekinetic powers of Darth Vader and hardly any greater justification for the faster-than-light travel that makes his empire possible. And yet what is 'Star Wars' if not pure quill SF?
I'm a big fan of 'Star Wars.' Some of the most iconic characters of 'Star Wars,' we didn't see their faces but to this day you can say Jabba the Hutt or Darth Vader and people know what you mean around the world.
The most interesting characters keep us hooked. Not likeable ones! Iago, Shylock, Darth Vader - are they likeable? Do you want to invite them to dinner?