We want to protect freedom of speech, but it is not unlimited freedom of speech. There has always been rules around defamation, slander and libel, and in Victoria, we have effective rules on racial and religious vilification.
More people need to understand the games secular liberals play. Here's one rule-of-thumb: No matter how bad a story sounds - particularly if it sounds bad - recognize the pattern of defamation.
The public is increasingly disgusted with a steady diet of defamation, and prepared to reward those who refrain from it.
There should be resolutions adopted in top international institutions, which are binding on all states and governments in the world, to forbid the defamation of religions.
As a lawyer who has dealt in defamation, I know that someone's reputation has to be lowered in the eyes of right-thinking people to sue.
My initial response was to sue her for defamation of character, but then I realized that I had no character.
I'm sure I took some licks at the system, and at trials and lawyers in general. I've seen enough of them for so many years both as a cop and a defendant in defamation cases.