Emotional roller coasters tend to emphasize the lows, tend to be more affected by the low, by the dip in an emotional roller coaster than when you are at the peak.
I am intimidated by that eyeliner in a pot. You have to take a brush and wet it and then dip it in and get it straight. It's just a mess.
In my 'Big Dinners' cookbook, I recreated my mother's recipe for crab dip. The creamy dressing for this dip, made with mayonnaise, tomato paste, a touch of honey, sliced chives, lemon juice and zest, horseradish and Tabasco, is reminiscent of Thousand Island dressing.
I am Hollywood's hottest young, middle-aged director, but I'll write out of New York because I don't want to become a salad head. That's what you become out there: a guacamole dip.
I went to a strict elementary school with nuns, and uniforms that I'm pretty sure were made out of sandpaper. It was an academic, sports-oriented place. I liked to read, and wanted to act, and didn't try out for volleyball. I was weird. The other girls would dip my hair in ink and stuff.
After I brush on my moisturizer, I'll dip the same brush into foundation and mix it with the lotion to make tinted moisturizer.
I love mayonnaise. Every birthday when I was a kid I'd go to Black Angus and just dip my burger in mayo.
The secret to scooping ice cream is all about the scooper. You have to dip it in water before and after every scoop. Then it just rolls off.
When your kids are their hungriest, put out raw vegetables and dip - simple. It takes two seconds.
The way I look at it, a footballer wouldn't play in flip-flops or dip their feet in acid and then expect to get to David Beckham's level. My voice is my living, so I'll be looking after it.