I'm interested in taking raw human emotions and then isolating them without any narrative structure. In order to achieve this, I try to break out of the narrative conventions that you'd see in a typical feature film.
I mean, journalism is very detailed... you try to get down in the weeds and sort out exactly what happened. And I don't think that a feature film is really a place where that happens.
I want to do feature films. I am flying to Malaysia to be in another feature film. We will be filming that in Malaysia, the Phillipines, and back in California.
I never like to stick to one media; whether it's a TV series or feature film, I enjoy it and I like changing constantly.
I would love to be nominated for an award at some point or do something that at least engenders the type of cultural conversation that a role like Giancarlo Esposito on 'Breaking Bad,' or actually any of the people on 'Breaking Bad.' I would love to have a role in a feature film that was a cultural talking point.
I did three of the original 'Twilight Zone' episodes, yes. Also, I did a little thing in the feature film, and then I wrote one of the episodes in 'The Twilight Zone's last round where I starred with Cloris Leachman and my daughter Liliana in a true sequel to 'It's a Good Life.' So, yes, I have a good 'Twilight Zone' alumni jacket.
Pixar's short films convinced Disney that if the company could produce memorable characters within five minutes, then the confidence was there in creating a feature film with those abilities in story and character development.
I get better roles in television. I'm not going to do a lesser role just to be in a feature film.
Although there were only about 24 episodes made it seems to run forever. They take a couple of episodes and put them together, making a feature film once in a while. I had good fun making the series.
I have actually directed over thirty plays and about one hundred commercials for cable TV, but have not yet had the opportunity to direct a feature film.