Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.
We cannot afford idleness, waste or inefficiency.
Idleness is to the human mind like rust to iron.
I don't think necessity is the mother of invention. Invention, in my opinion, arises directly from idleness, possibly also from laziness - to save oneself trouble.
Idleness is the stupidity of the body, and stupidity is the idleness of the mind.
Gluttony and idleness are two of life's great joys, but they are not honourable.
To be idle and to be poor have always been reproaches, and therefore every man endeavors with his utmost care to hide his poverty from others, and his idleness from himself.
Life does not agree with philosophy: There is no happiness that is not idleness, and only what is useless is pleasurable.
It wounds a man less to confess that he has failed in any pursuit through idleness, neglect, the love of pleasure, etc., etc., which are his own faults, than through incapacity and unfitness, which are the faults of his nature.
Smokers, male and female, inject and excuse idleness in their lives every time they light a cigarette.