I think the biggest problem working with me would be that I'm an only child, and so I have an internal dialogue that goes on that I just assume you can hear.
Without free, self-respecting, and autonomous citizens there can be no free and independent nations. Without internal peace, that is, peace among citizens and between the citizens and the state, there can be no guarantee of external peace.
Life is the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.
The result of the collaborative culture is that corporations or government institutions focus intensely on internal culture and pour their energy into achieving minuscule policy changes relating to workplace efficiency, gender or race.
Long-term, we must begin to build our internal strengths. It isn't just skills like computer technology. It's the old-fashioned basics of self-reliance, self-motivation, self-reinforcement, self-discipline, self-command.
To make existing relationships more meaningful, we intend to improve our product execution; use our existing customer analytics to market more effectively; introduce new technologies into the shopping experience; expand our product offerings in existing categories; and add new categories, either through internal development or through acquisition.
I think music is about our internal life. It's part of the way people touch each other. That's very precious to me. And astronomy is, in a sense, the very opposite thing. Instead of looking inwards, you are looking out, to things beyond our grasp.
My day starts with customers and ends with customers. So anything that's going on is second to activities that involve customers or partners. So if there is a meeting planned for the day that is an internal meeting, unless it's about making sure we can meet the payroll, the thing that comes first is calling on a customer or calling on a partner.
Every friendship goes through ups and downs. Dysfunctional patterns set in; external situations cause internal friction; you grow apart and then bounce back together.
Dictators must have enemies. They must have internal enemies to justify their secret police and external enemies to justify their military forces.