When I was 7, an old lady was driving too fast in my neighborhood and hit me with her car. I was running out of the house, and when I got halfway into the street, my mom saw the car and yelled for me to run back. As I turned around the car hit me, dragged me five houses down the road, and I fractured my collarbone.
I think I'm going to end up as one terrific old lady!
Our lady the Common Law is a very wise old lady though she still has something to learn in telling what she knows.
I've never really been serious about my villainy. I don't have a master plan. I suppose my philosophy is: Every villain has a mother. For every cold-blooded killer on your screen, there's a little old lady somewhere who calls him 'sonny.'
I honestly kind of hate shopping. My favorite places to shop are rich old lady consignment stores.
I'm gonna do the whole bedroom in camel color - it's an old lady color.
The line between angry young woman and grumpy old lady is very fine.
I realize that I'm a mature woman and one of these days, incredible diet or not, I'll be a little old lady.
Everyone has a crazy old lady in their family like 'Mama.' No one ever comes up to me and says 'Mama' is just like them, so no one is ever offended by her. Even young people like to laugh at her. I think she helps kids appreciate their own grandmothers more.
Women are usually only interesting to studio executives when they are fecund, between the ages of 15 and 30. I decided to get through the really tough patch, around 50, by just cutting my price and playing ten years older. I didn't want to have to wait until I was an old lady to play one.