I think life has got to develop as you get older, and I don't want to be wandering along doing the same old thing. I want more out of life.
I think a great first date would be something different... not like movies or going to dinner... going rock climbing together... doing an activity and then going to dinner, so that you guys share an experience, and then you have something to talk about, and it's not the same old thing.
I think audiences crave something new. I don't think audiences want the same old thing, no matter how much conventional Hollywood tells you that.
I definitely do like change. I don't know if my hairstyles reflect that, but I don't like the same old thing all the time.
The secret of good writing is to say an old thing in a new way or to say a new thing in an old way.
For a believer, Christian faith is true to the human heart, not in the sense that any old thing we fancy believing in will become conveniently true - but because the complicated truth about our hearts, as we struggle to perceive it, tells us what we are and where we are, and consequently what we need.
The audience is smart and catch on pretty quick when they are sold the same old thing.
I never, ever wanted to be the Rolling Stones. Bless their hearts, but I don't necessarily want to go on doing the same old thing for the next 10, 20 years... I could see how easy it is to get into that rut, the whole touring mindset.
Everybody is doing the same old thing.
Whenever there's a new form of media, we always think it's going to replace the old thing, and it never does. We still have radio, however long after TV was introduced.