He behaved like an ostrich and put his head in the sand, thereby exposing his thinking parts.
I have a hippopotamus skull next to my bed, called Gregory. When I was six, my three sisters and I clubbed together and paid £4 for it in a junk shop. We collected owl pellets, ostrich eggs and sheep skulls for our natural history museum at home.
I have a very ostrich mentality. I feel like I have my head in the sand so no one can see me.
I do not wear my emotions on my sleeve. I was once described by my own son Stephen as an emotional ostrich.
I shook Obama's hand and I said, 'I want to be your friend.' My hand is still outstretched. I am not Obama's enemy, but it's difficult not see imperialism in Washington. Those who don't see it don't want to see it, like the ostrich.
We women continue to swallow this line that it's unladylike or even proof of being a lesbian if you wear flat shoes like Doc Martens. I'm prepared to put up with that accusation, because at least my feet aren't killing me and I don't look like a bandy ostrich.
A writer may tell me that he thinks man will ultimately become an ostrich. I cannot properly contradict him.
A chicken grows up in a little less time than an ostrich. An ostrich takes a whole year. A chicken takes a few months.