I do love archery in my day-to-day life because I find it very therapeutic, and I've trained every season with the bow and arrow.
Archery is something that I took up later and didn't know I had a natural aptitude for.
Everything I did in P.E. was just awful. Archery was just something that we did as a father/daughter activity, and it just kind of grew out of that, really.
I have been practicing archery for a long time; a bow and arrow helps me to unwind.
I took my archery lessons. It was really fun to learn something new.
Archery requires very sensitive muscles.
In piano, if you try to force hitting this key and that key, it's very broken. It's not pretty. When you're in archery, you can't try to force it step-by-step-by-step. Then the shot doesn't flow and it's not a good shot. If you just let the performance flow, it's really beautiful.
Archery is not a sport for everyone. The equipment costs a lot, and it is not easy for everyone to find a place to play. It is perhaps similar to golf, but of course there are more golf courses than archery fields.
The only thing that relaxes me is archery. That's why I have to have apartments with gardens.
I've done archery for about six weeks, and rock climbing, tree climbing - and combat, running and vaulting. But also yoga and things like that, to stay catlike!