We cannot stop natural disasters but we can arm ourselves with knowledge: so many lives wouldn't have to be lost if there was enough disaster preparedness.
Be an advocate for your loved ones in the hospital. Ask tough questions of your local hospital and health system about preparedness for the likeliest emergencies, and express your views on how medical resources should be allocated in case they ever fall short.
There has been a transition from a nuclear-annihilation scenario to an isolated-terrorist-nuclear-bomb scenario. But we're still locked into a mind-set that nuclear war would be so overwhelming that any kind of preparedness would be futile.
Well, I'm not excusing the fact that planning and preparedness was not where it should be. We've known for 20 years about this hurricane, this possibility of this kind of hurricane.
Military preparedness is absolutely a form of strength.
Fascinations breeds preparedness, and preparedness, survival.
The threat from extreme weather events highlights the importance of investing in preparedness.
The international community should treat this as a window of opportunity to ramp up preparedness and response.
There are several very good websites which describe the details of preparedness planning for citizens.
Preparedness for a game that usually lasts four-five hours requires good physical condition and also steady nerves.