Sometimes I feel like I'm a contestant in a reality show that probably would be called The Apprentice Survivor Millionaire.
If you want proof that 'Catfish' was real, just put me in an audition room and watch me fall apart. I can't pretend. I'm really bad at it. That's partly what makes me good at hosting a reality show.
For me, to do a reality show is like sending myself to actor's graveyard. I feel like I should wait and create my own projects... do independent movies before I would have to go and do reality shows. Or produce one and come up with one on my own!
A sure-fire way to know you're crazy is if more than one person has told you you'd be great on a reality show - and you agree with them.
There's got to be a little bit of reality show fatigue happening.
I love reality TV and everything, and it's something that I truly love to do, and I love the outcome of it; it's like my art. I consider my reality show as my art piece, and it's like a sculpture that I built; it's my baby.
Certainly there's got to be a little bit of reality show fatigue happening.
It wasn't the first reality show, but 'Survivor' was the first big network hit, and I'm proud to have played a part in that history as the winner of season six, 'Survivor: Amazon.'
I think the last reality show I watched was the first 'Survivor'. That was a long time ago.
Reality television hasn't killed documentaries, because there are so many great documentaries still being made, but it certainly has changed the landscape. There is this breed of gimmicky documentary that is basically a reality show.