Ian Gillan, Roger Glover and I wanted to be a hard rock band - we wanted to play rock and roll only.
If Nirvana had remained a small, underground punk rock band, Kurt Cobain would still be alive. And he'd probably be living in Seattle, getting kind of fat and balding, be relatively happy and producing records for other people.
I am always looking for a cool tee shirt; maybe one with a rock band or an old advertisement.
There's always a spattering of people who see Hanson who were influenced by classic '60's and '70's rock and roll. In a lot of ways, we're sort of the anatomy of a '70's rock band if you examine what we do: white guys who grew up listening to soul music from the '50's and '60's.
I was extreme... from skateboarder to hip-hopper to rave child to lead singer of a rock band - I did it all, and all at the same time.
Being in a rock band, I feel a certain responsibility to have a weird haircut. I mean, who else gets to do that?
Thank you for the music, Sleater-Kinney. This gang of three was the best American punk rock band ever. Ever.
I think there is always room for a timeless sounding rock band like us.
I think music is so diverse today, and bands are so diverse. If you were a rock band in the Eighties, you kind of had to stick to one thing. Now, in this age of Coachella and European festivals and stuff, it's kind of anything goes, so that allowed us to try different things.
Rock is about finding who you are. You don't necessarily have to play your instrument very well at all. You can just barely get by and you can be in a rock band.