Musicals are, by nature, theatrical, meaning poetic, meaning having to move the audience's imagination and create a suspension of disbelief, by which I mean there's no fourth wall.
Intuition is a suspension of logic due to impatience.
People are so helpful. People will stop what they're doing to show you something, to walk with you through a section of the town, or explain how a suspension bridge really works.
The first time I thought about attempting a body suspension was after watching a documentary on rites-of-passage ceremonies from other cultures. I was completely intrigued by what these people put their bodies through.
I don't want players coming in from the college level that are either trying to avoid a suspension, declare themselves ineligible on their own, hire an agent and decide, 'I'm going to enter into the NFL.'
Good composition is like a suspension bridge - each line adds strength and takes none away.
The stage is suspension of disbelief. Film is a literal medium.
To believe in 'the greater good' is to operate, necessarily, in a certain ethical suspension.
It is now life and not art that requires the willing suspension of disbelief.
That willing suspension of disbelief for the moment, which constitutes poetic faith.