I'm very stodgy. I'm always looking at old photos of California and Los Angeles, knowing that what I'm looking at is now full of houses. There used to be vacant lots in Los Angeles, now all taken up by three-storey boxes - it's all getting infilled.
The arts can play a vital role in revitalizing neighborhoods, using and improving vacant space, bringing new jobs and new sense of opportunity, and improving public safety by generating more foot traffic and more eyes on the street.
As an actor, if you're just sitting and staring and you don't know who you are in your own mind, it's vacant. And sometimes the camera is an X-ray machine, it can pick it up.
Every time I appoint someone to a vacant position, I make a hundred unhappy and one ungrateful.
As a kid, I played my share of football in the street or in a vacant lot.
I like creating something from nothing and hearing it on the radio or on stage or from somebody driving down the street singing it. It's like building a house, taking a vacant piece of land, and next thing you know, there's a house with somebody living in it.
My mind is vacant on names, but I know him as well as anything. When I need names they drop out of my head; when I don't need them they drop back.
If you leave the smallest corner of your head vacant for a moment, other people's opinions will rush in from all quarters.
Absence of occupation is not rest; A mind quite vacant is a mind distressed.
I will waste an extraordinary amount of time, you know. And if it's not watching television, I'll be sitting staring out of the window. And yes, I know there's the idea of the artist, sitting there doing nothing while things are going on, but actually, no. It's vacant space. I'm thinking about the laundry.