Chris Bell — American Politician born on November 23, 1959,

Chris Bell may refer to:.. (wikipedia)

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Don't store unnecessary data, keep an eye on what's happening, and don't take unnecessary risks.
I filed the ethics complaint against Tom DeLay not because I'm a Democrat and he's a Republican or even because he drew me out of my congressional seat but because he engaged in corruption to further his plans to disenfranchise voters in Texas.
I guess what bothers me so much about what I now see going on in both Washington and in Texas is an effort to keep people from finding out about the mistakes of lawmakers and then when they're uncovered, an effort to fool people and pretend there was nothing wrong.
I think that people need to have the courage of their convictions and not be trying to fool people into thinking that they've changed overnight.
Ethics in government has always been important to me.