A rich but troubled family find their lives altered by the arrival of a vagrant who tries to drown himself in their swimming pool.

Dave Whiteman: I ate garbage last night, Barbara... and *loved* it!
Dave Whiteman: Got a license?
Jerry Baskin: Yeah.
Dave Whiteman: [hands him the keys] You drive.
Jerry Baskin: Okay. Where to?
Dave Whiteman: I don't know. Some days you just want to go, you know?
Jerry Baskin: Okay. Let's hit the beach. I got some friends down there.
Dave Whiteman: The beach?
Dave Whiteman: Who's going to run my business? Who's going to pay my bills? Who's...
Jerry Baskin: [interrupting] You got enough money to last *ten* lifetimes!
Dave Whiteman: [laughs heartily] Yeah... maybe *I* ought to become a bum. No job, no responsibilities...
Jerry Baskin: [snorts] You wouldn't last five minutes.
Dave Whiteman: You think so? Let's hit the beach, buddy. Pronto!
Dave Whiteman: [Barb is visibly smashed] Hey, Barb?
Barbara Whiteman: Mmmmmm?
Dave Whiteman: I thought we weren't going to drink any more.
Barbara Whiteman: Well, Dave, yeah. It's true. I *am* a vegetarian. But I hear... that vodka... comes from a potato!
Dave Whiteman: Would you like some wine, Al?
Al: No, thank you. This is one of my non-drinking days.
Doctor Von Zimmer: Has there been some recent change in living arrangements?
Barbara Whiteman: [flatly] We have a houseguest.
Doctor Von Zimmer: Oh.
[looks at Jerry]
Doctor Von Zimmer: How long are you staying?
Dave Whiteman: He's staying as long as he likes. And if the doggy doesn't like it, then the doggy can find other living arrangements.
Dave Whiteman: Someone's pissing on my hydrangeas!
Dave Whiteman: Oh, come on! The dog is running the whole house!
Dave Whiteman: Max, I think it's time you stopped all this screwing around and started to learn the hanger business.
Max Whiteman: I don't like hangers.
Dave Whiteman: You don't like hangers? It's hangers that clothe you, and it's hangers that feed you!
Dave Whiteman: You could have pissed right here!
Barbara Whiteman: Dave, he did! He pissed all over the joint.
Dave Whiteman: Hey. You, uh, haven't said anything about the car.
Jenny Whiteman: It's nice.
Dave Whiteman: Yeah? You don't think it's, uh, too Beverly Hills?
Jenny Whiteman: Daddy, you work very hard for your money. You don't have to justify anything.
Dave Whiteman: I know, it's just that, you know... maybe I'm feeling a little guilty.
Jenny Whiteman: Guilt sucks.