Guler Sabanci — Turkish Businesswoman

Güler Sabancı is a third-generation female member of the Sabancı family, and currently the chairperson of the family-controlled Sabancı Holding, the second-biggest industrial and financial conglomerate of Turkey. As of 2014, she is listed as the 60th most powerful woman in the world by Forbes... (wikipedia)

I wear two hats. The one is business and increasing my shareholders' value; the other is social responsibility.
I've been part of a team and leader of the team. But wherever I've been, I've worked as if that was the only opportunity I had. I've never looked beyond that.
I don't have time for regrets. I go forward; I'm a doer, and I always have projects and dreams.
Women leading big corporations or assuming various important social and political roles is still considered newsworthy, which clearly shows the need to further support and enhance the role of women in society.
Being a good person and fair person is very important in life, I think.