Herta Muller — German Novelist born on August 17, 1953,

Herta Müller is a Romanian-born German novelist, poet, essayist and recipient of the 2009 Nobel Prize in Literature. Born in Nițchidorf, Timiș County in Romania, her native language is German. Since the early 1990s she has been internationally established, and her works have been translated into more than twenty languages... (wikipedia)

In writing, one searches, and that is what keeps one writing, that one sees and experiences things from another angle entirely; one experiences oneself during the process of writing.
Writing itself does not know what it looks like while one is doing it, only when it's finished.
What can't be said can be written. Because writing is a silent act, a labor from the head to the hand.
I have always written only for myself - to clarify things, to clarify things with myself, to understand in an inner way what is actually happening.
Anything in literature, including memory, is second-hand.