The Nazis set up a secret base on the dark side of the moon in 1945 where they hide out and plan to return to power in 2018.

President of the United States: Okay who didn't arm their spaceship?
[Finland's representative slowly raises his hand]
President of the United States: Great, great. That's just great...
James Washington: Remember me? The moon spook you turned into a snowflake?
Renate Richter: Please do me a favor: Play a Nazi!
James Washington: And if I don't?
Renate Richter: They will eliminate you.
James Washington: Oh great.
James Washington: [Upon touchdown] Whoo! The Eagle has landed, baby.
President of the United States: Please keep that fool off the main frequency.
President of the United States: All presidents who start a war in their first term get re-elected.
Klaus Adler: At 5.45 we'll start firing back. Every bomb will be retaliated. The Meteorblitzkrieg shall begin!
Doktor Richter: [referring to the Smartphone obtained from Washington] I invented this cable to connect this machine with our main computer. I call it Universal Systematic Binding - USB for short.
President of the United States: It was your bad idea to send those idiots to the moon.
Vivian Wagner: No disrespect madam president, but I'm pretty sure it was your idea.
President of the United States: It was my great idea have they succeeded, now it's your stupid idea. Got it? I didn't hire you for stupid ideas I hire you because of your Midas touch.
Renate Richter: This is very simple. The world is sick, but we are the doctors. The world is anemic, but we are the vitamin. The world is weary, but we are the strength. We are here to make the world healthy once again, with hard work, with honesty, with clarity, with decency. We are the product of loving mothers and brave fathers. We are the embodiment of love and bravery! We are the gift of both God and Science. We are the answer to the question. We are the promise delivered to all mankind. For that, we raise our hands to one Nation. We step to the beat of one drum. We march to the beat of one heart.
President of the United States: Vivian, you look great. How's it goin' up there?
Vivian Wagner: Madam President, I couldn't be better. I am packing dozens of megatons of nuclear warheads which I am going to carefully place up Klaus's kraut ass, just as soon as I get him in my sights.
Renate Richter: The world is sick. And we are the doctors.
Klaus Adler: Heil Hitler!
Wolfgang Kortzfleisch: Heil Kortzfleisch! Get it through your skull!
Klaus Adler: Of course... mein Führer.