Jim Barksdale — American Businessman born on January 24, 1943,

James Love Barksdale is an American executive who served as the president and CEO of Netscape Communications Corporation from January 1995 until the company merged with AOL in March 1999... (wikipedia)

We've tapped into a huge demand, and it's up to us to fulfill that demand and to be creative doing it.
In my column series 'The Main Thing', I often talk about how Internet technology can improve the way people communicate - both within a business and between a business and its customers and partners.
I've tended to work at fast-growing companies that improve the way business gets done.
That's the ultimate gratification in any business situation - do customers buy the product? And do they use it and do they come back and buy more of it?
I was telling the truth. I feel like we got that point across.