Karin Fossum — Norwegian Writer

Karin Fossum is a Norwegian author of crime fiction, often referred to as the "Norwegian queen of crime"... (wikipedia)

It is hard work to give life to new characters every single day. It is not as if I am God. I am just a tired, middle-aged woman trying to keep going.
I use the setting of a small rural Norwegian community - the kind of place that I know so intimately. I could never write a novel set in a big city, because, frankly, I don't know what it would be like.
Mankind can be very magnanimous, given the chance.
Successful people are not interesting. I feel for the losers. That's where my heart lies.
I believe I could commit a crime. We all can. It depends on which situations we find ourselves in. In despair, I would steal food if my children were hungry.