Kit Williams — Author

Christopher 'Kit' Williams is an English artist, illustrator and author best known for his 1979 book Masquerade, a pictorial storybook which contains clues to the location of a golden jewelled hare created by Williams and then buried "somewhere in Britain"... (wikipedia)

The dog, the rabbit and the hoop all feature in the painting, and take the place of the orrery.
The engine of ancient society was religion but the engine of contemporary society, as I see it, is advertising.
I took lots of photographs and had planned to write a treatise on how it worked, but I quickly got bored with that idea and wrote a scientific fairy tale instead.
The dog and the rabbit are telling us not to chase unattainable material goals.
Once upon a perfect night, unclouded and still, there came the face of a pale and beautiful lady. The tresses of her hair reached out to make the constellations, and the dewy vapours of her gown fell soft upon the land.