Martin Riggs and Roger Murtaugh pursue an arms dealer who is a former LAPD officer.

Leo Getz: Those doctors are savages. I mean, where does it say that a gunshot wound requires a rectal exam?
[Murtaugh rolls his eyes at Riggs]
Leo Getz: Yeah. With a telescope big enough to see Venus!
Martin Riggs: I guess all they saw was Uranus, huh?
Leo Getz: Oh, that's great, Riggs. Ha ha. That's great. Well, you know what I say? They FUCK you at the hospital! First they drug you, then they FUCK you! And when they're done FUCKING you, along comes the insurance company and FUCKS you some more! Ten dollars for a FUCKING aspirin...
Riggs: We can't shoot a dog. People? Okay, but not dogs.
Leo Getz: I'm dying Rodge! I'm so cold!
Roger Murtaugh: Leo, you're laying on the ice.
Leo Getz: I am?
Roger Murtaugh: Yeah!
Martin Riggs: You have the right to remain unconscious. Anything you say ain't gonna be much.
Roger Murtaugh: I hope that when I do retire your new partner is just like you.
Martin Riggs: That won't happen to me because there are winners and there are losers, and God wouldn't do that to me.
[Murtaugh throws a machine gun towards Riggs]
Roger Murtaugh: Riggs! Cop killers!
[Riggs shoots through the tractor and hits Travis]
Martin Riggs: Ex-cop killers.
Martin Riggs: After all the shit we've been through, don't you get it? Don't you get it? When you retire, you're not just retiring you, you're retiring us. You're retiring us.
Roger Murtaugh: That's not my problem. That's not my problem!
Martin Riggs: You're the only family I've got! I've got three beautiful kids, I love them, they're yours. Trish does my laundry, I live in your icebox, I live in your life! What am I gonna do? What am I supposed to do?
Roger Murtaugh: Seven days to retirement, I'm busted down to patrolman.
Martin Riggs: I should have cut the red wire.
Roger Murtaugh: You did cut the red wire.
Martin Riggs: No, I didn't, I cut the blue wire.
Roger Murtaugh: That's what I meant. We should have waited for the bomb squad!
Martin Riggs: Am I gonna have to listen to this every day?
Roger Murtaugh: Every day until I retire.
Martin Riggs: Well, that'll be a week too long for me.
Roger Murtaugh: My feet are killing me...
Martin Riggs: Yeah, your feet are killing me, too.
Roger Murtaugh: Well, how could my feet be killing you?
Martin Riggs: 'Cause I gotta listen to you bitch about them all day!
Roger Murtaugh: Yeah, and you're gonna have to listen to me bitch, because you should have cut the red wire!
Lorna Cole: This PMS. It's murder.
Roger Murtaugh: Yeah, I know what you mean. I've been married 25 years.
Martin Riggs: Look, that kid was a killer, alright? That wasn't a Tinker Toy in his hand, that was a machine pistol with twin carbies and all the trimmings, man! He would've drilled you, me, anybody that came along, alright? You had no choice.
Roger Murtaugh: Oh no, it didn't happen to you, Riggs, it happened to me! It happened to me! I killed that kid, I killed that boy. Oh yeah, oh you killed a lot of people, you kill a fuckin' lot of people. You ever kill a baby?
Martin Riggs: You selfish...
Roger Murtaugh: You got ice in your veins. You don't kill a boy like Nick.
Martin Riggs: You selfish bastard! You selfish bastard, you're just thinking about yourself! What about me? We're partners, we are partners. What happens to you, happens to me.
Jack Travis: Go to hell, Riggs.
Martin Riggs: You first.
[Riggs and Murtaugh look sheepishly at the other cops on the building explosion scene. Murtaugh can only hold up the stray cat. The others applaud sarcastically]
Policeman who says 'Bravo' after explosion: Bravo.
[Riggs and Murtaugh sink back behind their car]
Martin Riggs: Oops!
Roger Murtaugh: Right, oops.
[while shooting Lorna with cop-killer bullets]
Jack Travis: Come on in, bitch! Door's open!
Riggs: [to unconscious crook] You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say ain't gonna be much.
Martin Riggs: Hey, Ernie.
Ernie - Detective: Hey, Riggs. Cut any loose wires lately?
Martin Riggs: Nah, I haven't done that for a couple days now.
Ernie - Detective: Right. Next time...
Martin Riggs, Ernie - Detective: Wait for the bomb squad.
Ernie - Detective: Yeah, wait for the bomb squad! It's our job, remember?
Martin Riggs: Hey, I saved a cat. What else do you want?
Ernie - Detective: Great. I love cats.
Captain Ed Murphy: Wait a minute! Look, maybe these guys can contribute something to this case.
Ernie - Detective: From what I've seen of their records, the only thing they do contribute is mayhem and chaos.
Martin Riggs: No, I'm Chaos, and he's Mayhem. We're a double act. What are we, required reading, or something?
Lorna Cole: As a matter of fact, you are. It's a cross between Police Gazette and Mad Magazine.
Martin Riggs: [to Lorna] Step into my orifice.
Martin Riggs: When you retire, you're not just retiring you, man! You're retiring us!
Lorna Cole: Police, freeze!
Hatchett: Oh Christ, another one? We need a new fucking dog.
Lorna Cole: Cover me!
Roger Murtaugh: Cover you? Who's going to cover me? Cover me! Cover him! Cover everybody! When is someone gonna cover me for a change?
Roger Murtaugh: I'm too old for this shit!
Martin Riggs: [punching a suspect who's waking from unconsciousness] Back to bed. Back to bed.
Lorna Cole: Close is a lingerie shop without a front window.
Trish: Aren't you forgetting something?
Roger Murtaugh: Oh.
[puckers lips]
Trish: [thrusts bulletproof vest upon him] THIS! You wear it, you eat in it, you sleep in it! Okay? 6 more days! And Riggs, keep an eye on him.
Martin Riggs: Okay.
Roger Murtaugh: She loves me.
Cop in boat: [to Riggs and Murtaugh, who are in the water] Whatta you boys doin' down there?
Martin Riggs: We're in the middle of a case... of scotch.
[Travis is coming at Riggs with a tractor]
Jack Travis: Killed in the line of duty, Riggs!
Jack Travis: Get a good funeral from the department, Riggs!
Lorna Cole: Are you trying to bait me, Riggs?
Martin Riggs: I'm a master of it.
Lorna Cole: Now, that I can believe.
Roger Murtaugh: I thought you said you were gonna cut the red wire!
Martin Riggs: Well I did, didn't I?
Roger Murtaugh: No! You cut the blue wire!
Martin Riggs: Well I meant the red wire.
[Riggs uncovers the bomb in the ICSI building]
Martin Riggs: Oh my, more plastic than Cher. I love this job.
Ernie - Detective: Hey, Murph, people usually cross the street when they see me coming.
Captain Ed Murphy: Yeah, well, I didn't have time.
[Travis buries a henchman in cement]
Jack Travis: Now we've got a relationship we can build on.
Martin Riggs: He's done this twice, oh, damn! I'm gonna suck his eyes out through his nose!
Martin Riggs: Rodge.
Roger Murtaugh: Yeah?
Martin Riggs: Grab the cat!
Roger Murtaugh: I knew you couldn't stop smoking.
Martin Riggs: I'm only smoking to take my mind off my dog biscuit problem.
Roger Murtaugh: What dog biscuit problem?
Martin Riggs: Well I been chasing more cars lately and uh, y'know, when I try and lick my balls I keep falling off the couch.
[Siphoning gas]
Martin Riggs: Yuck, Exxon!
[during a fight, Lorna grabs a man's crotch, making Murtaugh and Riggs wince]
Martin Riggs: Grabbed his clusters!
Leo Getz: Hey, guys, guys! You think I could get a gun this time?
Roger Murtaugh, Martin Riggs: NO!
Roger Murtaugh: I got 8 days to my retirement, and I will NOT make a stupid mistake!
Martin Riggs: Look, there is no bomb in that building! I will bet vital parts of my anatomy to the fact! Trust me, okay? Trust me!
Roger Murtaugh: That's usually my first mistake!
Delores: You tell that man he's the jam in my jelly roll!
[Something jumps on the car with the bomb in it. They stand to see what it is, and a stray cat meows at them]
Roger Murtaugh: Riggs, everyone else is outside. Only me, you and this cat are dumb enough to be in here.
Martin Riggs: Nearly a CAT-astrophe, huh?
Jack Travis: You know what a future a cop has, Murph? None. You punch a clock for 30 years, retirement, pension... nothin' to do. Drunk at noon, bullet in the brain by evening. Well, not for this kid! The police department's got it all: guns, ammo, drugs, cash... it's a one-stop shopping center. If you've got the balls and the brains, there's not a fucking thing anyone can do about it!
Tyrone: You sunk your money into this, all the way out here in the middle of the fucking desert?
Jack Travis: That's right. You know why this is such a gold mine?
Tyrone: Do tell me.
Jack Travis: Because nobody wants to live next to somebody like you, Tyrone. You're a menace to society.
Tyrone: Jack, I came out here to do business, not be insulted by you.
Jack Travis: Relax, Tyrone. Like houses, friendships need strong foundations.