Martha MacIsaac — Canadian Actress born on October 11, 1984,

Martha MacIsaac is a Canadian television and film actress, known for her role of Becca in the 2007 teen comedy Superbad... (wikipedia)

I don't have a creepy uncle, but I certainly have many, many uncles. My mom has twelve brothers and sisters, and my dad has two sisters and three brothers. Their maturity level is still hovering around fifteen when they all get together, but they're not necessarily creepy.
I watch 'Jeopardy!' every night and 'Wheel of Fortune' follows. And every time I'm like, 'Whoa, it's still on! This is still happening!'
There is sort of a small town mentality on the east coast of Canada.
I just love being around my family during the holidays.
Since I was 4, Julia Roberts has inspired me. I thought if I liked her enough, I'd become as pretty as her. That didn't happen, but I was obsessed and watched her movies over and over.