Max Winkler — American Director born on August 18, 1983,

Max Winkler was a politician and senior political appointee in the local government of West Prussia, the national government of the German Empire, the Nazi government of the German Reich, and the post-war government of West Germany... (wikipedia)

I don't read reviews, good or bad, just for my own sanity.
I keep saying this, but the most important part of directing is casting, and the rest of it is pretty easy.
My first girlfriend broke up with me on a yellow legal pad. After she picked me up from the airport one day, she took out a letter that her therapist wrote, and she read it to me. She and her therapists wrote a letter breaking up with me together.
I despise writing in general, but yeah, I love writing the stuff that I direct.
I don't mind talking about my dad because he's such a good dude.