A young man in a personal tailspin flees the US to Italy, where he sparks up a romance with a woman harboring a dark, primordial secret.

Evan: I'd still like to grab coffee or something, sometime. Because I think you're the most attractive person I've ever seen. But that doesn't outweigh that you might be a mental patient and I gotta make sure that you're the kind of crazy I can deal with.
Evan: So you've never been in love before?
Louise: I guess not.
Evan: Not in thousands of years?
Louise: I am not a sociopath, okay? I just have really bad luck.
Louise: So we're sleeping together and I'm, like, making you meals, but you can't tell me anything?
Evan: Vampire, werewolf, zombie, witch or alien?
Evan: You don't sound Italian, are you really from around here?
Louise: Not far. I traveled a lot, though. So I sound weird as fuck.
Louise: I don't want to die and I don't want to watch anyone die.
Louise: I understand about half of myself.
Evan: Then you're half magic.
Louise: I'm half undiscovered science, bunch of confusing biochemistry, and some crazy hormones.
Evan: You never got lonely?
Louise: Not since I met you.