This movie focuses on the attempts of a psychiatrist to prevent one of his patients from committing suicide while trying to maintain his own grip on reality.

Henry Letham: Do you know the Tristan Rêveur quote about bad art? It's "bad art is more tragically beautiful than good art 'cause it documents human failure."
Lila Culpepper: There's too much beauty to quit.
Sam Foster: If this is a dream, the whole world is inside it.
Lila Culpepper: You know, the day I did it, I took two razorblades to the bathtub. You know why? Because I knew that once I started to bleed, I'd get weak. And I didn't wanna drop one blade and leave myself half done. Can you imagine that? Can you imagine hating your life so much that you'd wanna bring a backup razor?
Henry Letham: An elegant suicide is the ultimate work of art.
Sam Foster: What's this?
Henry Letham: I burned myself.
Sam Foster: You burned yourself? Why?
Henry Letham: Practicing for hell.
Sam Foster: Why do you think you're going to hell?
Henry Letham: Because of what I did. Because of what I'm gonna do.
Sam Foster: What are you going to do?
Henry Letham: [mimes a gun to his head]
Sam Foster: You're going to try to kill yourself? And how serious should I take this threat?
Henry Letham: Saturday at midnight. It's what I'm going to do.
Sam Foster: Okay, you've gotta know that everything just changed, if you talk to me about suicide I'm required to take certain actions.
Henry Letham: Wait, just deal with him
[indicating patient in waiting room]
Henry Letham: , and we'll talk about it next time.
Sam Foster: There's a next time?
Henry Letham: Yeah. Yeah, we got three days.
Dr. Leon Patterson: The Buddhists had it right all along. The world is an illusion.
Lila Culpepper: Tell me I'm good.
Sam Foster: You're good.
Lila Culpepper: Tell me they'll remember me.
Sam Foster: Who's 'they'?
Lila Culpepper: [almost asking] The world.
Sam Foster: Is that what you want?
Sam Foster: The world will remember you.
Lila Culpepper: Henry, forgetting something?
[Sam turns around towards Lila looking confused]
Lila Culpepper: What's the matter?
Sam Foster: You just called me Henry.
Lila Culpepper: Baby, I think I know your name by now
Sam Foster: Yeah, but you called me Henry.
Lila Culpepper: Sam, I know who you are. I promise.
Sam Foster: I've read your file.
Henry Letham: Well can I read your file?
Sam Foster: Tell me why you're here.
Henry Letham: I thought you read the file.
Henry Letham: Your troubles will cease and fortune will smile upon you.
Henry Letham: What are you, a substitute shrink?
Sam Foster: I guess you could call me that.
Sam Foster: [looking at the empty pill bottles] You can't drink while you're taking these.
Dr. Beth Levy: Mm. Apparently I can.
Sam Foster: [gesturing to the surrounding paintings on display] Are any of these yours?
Henry Letham: Ouch.
Sam Foster: What?
Henry Letham: Well... these are bad, Sam.