In the Victorian period, two children are shipwrecked on a tropical island in the South Pacific. With no adults to guide them, the two make a simple life together, unaware that sexual maturity will eventually intervene.

Emmeline: We're never getting off this island, Richard.
Richard: Thanks to you!
Emmeline: This is where we live, Richard. This is our home, now and forever.
Richard: No! I could never live here with JUST you! I don't even like you! You never used to laugh at me! You never used to have secrets you wouldn't tell me!
Emmeline: Well, you're not so perfect either, Mr. Richard Lestrange. I've seen you playing with it, and I'll tell your father, IF he ever gets here.
Richard: YOU? I hate you!
[throws a rock at her, narrowly missing her]
Emmeline: You almost hit me!
Richard: Take it back! Take back what you said!
Emmeline: I've seen it all! What happens after you've been doing it a long time?
Richard: Shut up! That's not fair peeking! I don't peek on you!
Emmeline: That's a lie! You're always staring at my buppies.
Richard: Only 'cause they look so funny! You know what you look like now, Em? You look like one of those pictures Paddy had in his drawer. One of his hootchie-cootchie girls!
Richard: What are you LOOKING at?
Emmeline: Your muscles.
Richard: What about them? You're really acting silly lately, Em. Always saying DUMB things like that. Always LOOKING at me funny! You're not coming down with something, are you? Don't give it to me.
Richard: [while eating fruit] Kiss me.
Emmeline: You're all sticky!
Richard: So what? Kiss me!
Emmeline: [kisses Richard, but Richard won't let her go] Stop! I can't breathe!
Richard: But I don't wanna stop.
Richard: [tries to kiss Emmeline, but she cringes]
Emmeline: I'm sorry, Richard.
Richard: You didn't want to all day yesterday, either. What's the matter, Em? Don't you love me anymore?
Emmeline: Yes, I love you more than ever, Richard.
Richard: Then why don't you wanna do it?
Emmeline: It just hurts right now, that's all. When it stops hurting, we'll do it.
Richard: When is THAT gonna be? I don't understand, Em. Why does it hurt?
Emmeline: I don't know. I don't know anything. But if you touch my tummy right now, you can feel it.
Richard: Feel what?
[puts his hand on Em's belly]
Richard: How'd you make your tummy move like that?
Emmeline: I'm not doing it.
Richard: It's not doing it by itself.
Emmeline: Yes it is.
Richard: What would I ever do with out my Em?
Richard: I have a funny feeling in my stomach.
Emmeline: Me too.
Richard: My heart is beating so fast.
Emmeline: Mine too.
Richard: [attempt at prayer] Our Father, Lord in heaven... kingdom come... with liberty and justice for all. Amen.
Richard: [overpowering Emmeline] Say "Richard is the smartest person on this island".
Emmeline: No!
Richard: Say it!
Emmeline: Stop it, Richard! I'm getting angry! Stop it! Get off!
Richard: Say it!
Emmeline: Richard is the smartest person on this island.
Richard: Fastest swimmer!
Emmeline: Fastest swimmer.
Richard: And the fastest runner!
Emmeline: Fastest runner.
Richard: Best hut builder!
Emmeline: You're the best at everything, Richard! Now get off!
Richard: [smirks] It's true.
Young Richard: Where are we?
[after their lifeboat ran aground on the island and Paddy hopped out of the boat and marched up the beach]
Paddy: Nirvana! That's where we are.
[last lines]
Arthur Lestrange: Are they dead?
Captain: No sir. They're asleep.
Richard: There's so many things I don't understand, like why do the fish stop swimming and lie on top of the tide pools after a heavy rain? Why do you hear the waves inside the big shells? Why are all these funny hairs growing on me? I wish a big book with all the answers to every question in the world would drop out of the sky and land in my hands right now. I'd read it till I knew everything.
Emmeline: Oh Richard, you can't know everything. Only God knows everything.
Richard: God - He can't find us any better than Santa Claus.
Young Emmeline: Mr. Button, there's a cask over hear with stuff in it that smells like the Captain's breath.
Young Richard: [looking at a picture of a family] Paddy, what's subjugation?
Paddy: Something I've been trying to avoid all my life.
Emmeline: [imitating Richard] It doesn't scare them off unless I can spear them!
[throws an umbrella that acted as the spear]
Richard: Aw, spear you!
Paddy: [chasing Richard and Em] Come back here and put your clothes on!
Young Richard: I don't wanna wear my old britches!
Paddy: It ain't proper to be runnin' 'round naked...
[stops, out of breath]
Paddy: ... all the time!
[first lines]
Young Emmeline: Richard, don't go out too far.
Young Richard: Em's a fraidy cat!
Arthur Lestrange: Richard! Emmeline! Come back here! This minute! And be careful!