The Philadelphia homicide squad's lone female detective finds her calling when she's assigned "cold cases" -- older crimes that have never been solved.

Lilly Rush: From 1983.
Nick Vera: An '83 case can wait. Come on, Lilly.
Lilly Rush: No, it can't. It's waited long enough.
Nora Lincoln: Mom, leave her alone.
Della Lincoln: The girl needs help.
Nora Lincoln: Daddy?
Derek Lincoln: Don't look at me. I got a daughter who majors in business, a wife who majors in other people's business. Me, I'm just a restaurant owner.
[to Lilly]
Tom Stillman: Why do women always have "high hopes" for men who want to kill them?
Monty: You wanna watch me kill myself?
Scotty Valens: No joke, Monty, I wanna see. That last step off a the bridge, knowing you won't be in this world any more.
Monty: Why?
Scotty Valens: Cause the ones you leave behind - there are so many questions . If I watch you, maybe I'll be able to help your people.
Lilly Rush: So you ever see Cindy again?
Nancy: [shaking her head] Usually don't after a woman goes back to her husband. Unless I pay a visit to the local cemetery.
Todd Whitley: What is the point of all of this, after so many years?
Lilly Rush: People shouldn't be forgotten. They matter.
Todd Whitley: You're a crusader.
Lilly Rush: I guess I am.
Henry Floyd: What are you looking at?
Lilly Rush: [whispers] A dead man. And get those feet off my table.
Scotty Valens: Who's that charmer?
Lilly Rush: A.D.A Kite, he's above cops.
Scotty Valens: Ain't above checking you out.
Robert Richter 2004: I knew this would come back to haunt me one day, I just knew it.
Scotty Valens: Yeah, well... Boo!
Tom Stillman: Do you think someone who had a nervous breakdown after four months at Fort Hood could survive five years in the Hanoi Hilton?
J.T. Simms: [sees Lilly for the first time] Check out "Homicide Barbie".
Ryan: And you know what, I want you to drop my dad's case.
Lilly Rush: When I'm so close to the truth? Not a chance.
Lilly Rush: People shouldn't be forgotten. They matter. They should get justice, too.
Lilly Rush: She miscarried in September of '85 and gave birth in October of '86. She had to have gotten pregnant again fast.
Nick Vera: According to the way Silver described her, that would have taken all of an hour.
Cindy: [about her abusive husband] And you tell yourself that it was just a shove really. He didn't mean it, he loves me, so you stay.
Nancy: We all stayed.
Cindy: Until one day you realize the door you could've walked out a long time ago is nailed shut forever.
Nick Vera: A triple murder gets you a date with the needle real quick.
Scotty Valens: Did your dad follow up with this guy?
Daniel: Not that I heard about.
Nick Vera: If I spent five years in a box getting tortured while some guy is taking my wife to dinner...
Scotty Valens: I'd follow up.
Will Jeffries: Who's Fanny?
Lilly Rush: One of the factory girls.
Nick Vera: Do you think she shot her husband?
Lilly Rush: We better find out...
Will Jeffries: I'm going with you. I'd LOVE to meet an 80-year-old who shot a guy...
Chris: New York's only a few hours away, so if you're not busy, maybe sometime, I mean only if you want to, we can... go see the Eiffel Tower or something.
Nick Vera: What's wrong with my car?
Will Jeffries: Nothing if you like being single.
Roger Raitt: [about being a POW] It made me realize any day I wake up with the doorknob on the inside of the door, it's a good day.
Bobbi: I knew when I opened that package he couldn't have paid for those boots. But I wanted them so much I always regretted that.
Lilly Rush: It wouldn't have mattered. Hank would have never have let you give those boots back.
Bobbi: How do you know?
Lilly Rush: Because I knew someone just like him. Once.