Who knows where inspiration comes from. Perhaps it arises from desperation. Perhaps it comes from the flukes of the universe, the kindness of the muses.
Even at our birth, death does but stand aside a little. And every day he looks towards us and muses somewhat to himself whether that day or the next he will draw nigh.
The most astonishing joy is to receive from the muses the gift of a whole lyric.
Happy is the man whom the Muses love: sweet speech flows from his mouth.
Art doesn't spring from the muses alone, but from hard work.
Some people have human muses - mine is a city. I feel a startling ambivalence towards London, but for better or worse my work has come utterly to depend upon it.
I was raised by muses. Women who had men in awe of them and who wrote them movies and wrote them music.
People think of me as a stereotype: muse, privileged, decorative. Classically, the muses were the inspiration. They'd come and go - they wouldn't actually make things, get their hands dirty. I don't think I'm a muse, although I think I can help pull a trigger. I really like getting my hands dirty.
It's only very recently that women have succeeded in entering those professions which, as Muses, they typified for the Greeks.
The Helicon of too many poets is not a hill crowned with sunshine and visited by the Muses and the Graces, but an old, mouldering house, full of gloom and haunted by ghosts.