Kindness and politeness are not overrated at all. They're underused.
Most of the time, feelings just seem to get in the way. They're a luxury for the idle, a bourgeois concept. Feelings are overrated.
It seems like everybody's perception of me is very bipolar. To one group, it's overpaid, overrated; to another group, it's underpaid, underrated, underdog. It's funny to me because there's no real balance.
I think the 20s are a vastly overrated decade. We promise kids that once they get out of school, life will begin and their dreams will come true. But then comes the struggle.
I love the way people talk crap. I hear it all the time. 'Overrated.' 'You suck.' I'll just do something to shut them up, like, 'I'll show you.'
I think having a great idea is vastly overrated. I know it sounds kind of crazy and counterintuitive. I don't think it matters what the idea is, almost. You need great execution.
Balance is overrated.
Being the hot girl... you wouldn't want that. It's overrated. Being sexy is actually really boring to me. I'd rather be... I'd rather be interesting.
Winning is overrated. The only time it is really important is in surgery and war.
Black is overrated. You'll never find it in my stores. Of course it's slimming, but it's just used too much, especially for men. One black suit by one designer, another one by another - they all look the same in the end. If I walk into a crowded hotel lobby and I'm wearing a black suit, I just look like everyone else.